This might be a common one for people of highly developed nations but not for the people and students of normal colleges and small regions of developing nations.Of course yes this IOT could not be maintained by normal people of a middle class in the society.So in this, I would like to add few words that could make IOT learning easy.
Coming to learning point of view this could be made by learning an easy Embedded-c language and basic idea on microcontrollers including with some knowledge in cloud computing.This concept is very much useful in making things smarter and smarter.Yes, it might be a simple uninteresting topic for people who have a clear-cut knowledge in this field but there are people who would like to learn this and to just let them know where they can be used.
1.This could play a superior role in Home Automation.
2.Building smart cities.
So the topics that are to be learned are
1.Basic MQTT protocol: This connects all the devices to the Internet and is called Message Queuing Telemetry Transport.This is the best and easy way for beginners to cope up with this field and gain knowledge easily and faster.
2.Programming: This is the primary knowledge to be attained.This might be any language but languages like Python, Embedded-c, Java, JavaScript would help for better programming.
3.Cloud environment: This plays a protagonist role in IOT this will not have a single one to be used this is having many options they are being hosted by many leading companies like IBM, GOOGLE, AMAZON through their own services and API's.
4. Microcontrollers: There are many types of microcontrollers in them Arduino and Node Mcu are the ones through which we can get a quick and kick start and rock in IOT
Let's hope for a beautiful future with a wonderful involvement of IOT in every field in our society.
Let's welcome IOT which is going to rule this world within few years.
you can also see this article on my LinkedIn account link My profile, article, and accomplishments
Why IOT and how IOT?
Reviewed by Akhil Kumar
October 23, 2017

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